I'm Emilio,

and this is what I am as a human being.

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Hi there.

I consider myself I restless person, always looking for something new to learn and new paths to improve what have been done. If I am not learning and applying it, then I feel stagnant. I am curious by nature, always wanting to get to know how things works, and if reachable do it myself. I am kind of adventurous, I love travel, walking in unknown streets, betweeen unknown people, if the language is also unknown, the better the whole experience is. In fact one of the thing that more got my attention and make me motivated about the tech world is the possibilitty of sometime work remotively and doing so work from whatever place I prefer to. I am pretty sure that travelling around expand the mind and enrich the life.

I try to keep a healthy balance between work and personal life. I give a great deal of importance to the food I eat, the water I drink and the air I breathe as I consider them the source of my energy and vitalogy. Activities that I enjoy the most are yoga, trekking (if in mountains trails, the better), running and reading.

Some experiencies of mine worth sharing:

Travel through Argentina

Together with my partner travel for about 1 year in Argentina, getting to know our beatiful provincies of Chubut, San Luis, Cordoba, Entre Rios, Misiones, Corrientes, Salta, Jujuy, Tucuman, Santiago del Estego and dozen of cities and cozy towns. Through my life and in some cases because of my work I have the opportunitty of know almost the whole country, including Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, Rio Negro, Neuquen, Mendoza, Buenos Aires, La Pampa.

Travel through Australia and Southeast Asia

For 1 year I travel, work (as a cleaner of luxury boats), learn English an enjoy a lot living in Australia and travelling to Singapore, Malasya, Thailand and Camboya.


I have gone a couple of times to Peru (from south to north), Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile. And for working reasons I know a little bit of Brazil and Colombia.

Ecology and sustainable development

I have taken several courses with a lot of practice along them in topics such as agroecology, bioconstruction, permaculture, medicinal herbs. All these subject encourage sustainable ways of produce food, build houses and treat certain diseases, mitigating the impact on our planet and on our health. On those occasion I got my hand on duty, sowing and reaping variaty of fruits and vegetables, building houses using natural materials, or harvasting herbs for selective teas. Most of these experiencies were as a volunteer, exchanging my time for something to eat and a place to sleep. In return I got invaluable knowlegde from real masters and unforgettable moments sharing time with local people and workers who teach us about their customs and perpectives.

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I'm ready to help!

I would like to expand on these topics. I am sure all of us have same thoughts on certain issues regarding our environment and on the importance of balance in our lives for better performance in all areas.

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© Emilio Pino.